I will personally be donating a portion of my October sales to the #PaparazziPossible mission. The money donated will go towards school supplies, hygiene products, food, birthdays, clothing, under garments, and cleaning supplies. Did you know that $5 feeds a child for 5 days?! That’s ONE piece of jewelry! You can support the children along side of me by shopping my inventory! Just one piece means the world to them!

The paths that lead to Paparazzi are as varied and unique as our Consultants themselves. Some find Paparazzi in their search to fuel their jewelry obsession, while others arrive at the house that bling built looking to be a part of something bigger than themselves. As different as the origin stories may be, the common thread throughout them is hope. The hope that Paparazzi offers is real. Every day we get to see how hope can initiate change and make the impossible possible – and it all stems from a little thing we call confidence.
Paparazzi Possible is where the mission statement comes to life; putting words into action and turning the confidence that changes the world into tangible acts of kindness. The Paparazzi Mission Statement is not just lip service. Making the impossible possible is what our Paparazzi family does – and you’re a valuable part of it! We bleed pink; making a difference in the lives of others and proving that while $5 jewelry may not change the world, those who wear it not only will, they DO!
Let’s Show the Kids in the Dominican Republic What is Possible!